Have you ever wondered whether it is better to own your own car or to use services like Uber, Lyft and Juno to get you where you need to go? A while back, I overheard two guys arguing about this issue. The argument was more of a single-malt fueled rant and a discussion rooted in economic or academic substance. I was almost tempted to jump into the fray, but I realized that although I had personal feels about my preferences, I had not better basis for my arguments than these two Irish pub scholars. So, I set out to do a little analysis of my own. In this book, I look at the economics but recognize that is not the only basis for decision making. My aim is to show you some ways to think about this on your own and come up with your own conclusions. Those conclusions will vary depending on where you live, how and where you travel and your personal preferences. Ultimately, I hope to provide a little deeper basis for a conclusion regardless of which way you tend to lean.