With 586 entries totalling almost 250,000 words, this is probably the most extensive encyclopedia of Marxist views on political economy produced in the Soviet era. It continued to be used and cited by scholars around the world, including Africa spectrum, Employee Relations, Employment Relations Record, European Journal of Management and Marketing Studies, International Business Research, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED STUDIES IN BUSINESS STRATEGIES AND MANAGEMENT, Sociedade & Natureza, The Journal of East Asian Affairs, TransactionsIn the re-set edition, the original page numbers have been retained to assist scholars tracing references to the 1983 or 1985 printings.The translation has been made from the second Russian edition produced by the Political Literature Publishers (Moscow) in 1981.The title of dictionary entries are printed in heavy-faced type, are arranged in alphabetical order and are in essay form. Where possible references to books and cross-references are given in italics. Where additional information on related subjects is supplied elsewhere in the Dictionary, cross-references are preceded by the word ``see''. References to works by classics of Marxism-Leninism are made to Collected Works of K. Marx and F. Engels and to Collected Works by V. I. Lenin and their individual works put out by Progress Publishers (Moscow) in English, unless otherwise indicated.Pagination of the second edition necessarily differs from the first edition. To aid readers following up references from the first edition, page numbers and headings from the first edition have been placed into entries.