In Brave New Wealthy World, leading capital markets expert John C. Edmundsargues that global economic conditions are improving, and that the benefits ofeconomic growth will reach virtually everyone on earth--including billions whohave been left behind until now. Edmunds identifies the key mechanisms thatwill deliver these benefits: the modernization of defective national financialsystems, and securitization: the transformation of illiquid assets into securitiesthat can be traded at will amongst investors anywhere on Earth. He alsoprojects significant improvements in services-based job creation linked tochanging population trends, as well as enhanced rates of return on cross-borderinvestment in emerging markets. Edmunds describes viable new structures forinvestment in poor countries, and proposes a new symbiotic relationshipbetween rich and poor countries that offers powerful benefits to both. WhileEdmunds doesn't expect wealth disparities or boom/bust cycles to disappear,he demonstrates that today's international financial arrangements are deliveringunprecedented prosperity and well-being--and spreading their benefits far morewidely than critics ever thought possible.